We did a couple of projects with our unit where the kids also worked on their writing. Last week we did, "If I Had a Magic Wand..." I really saw each students personality come through in this project. Some made wishes straight from a story we had read and some really thought about what they already like and what they would want.
This month I also spent some time working on how to write letters. It's not a first grade standard but it helped with my students' conventions and seeing a purpose for writing. We wrote a couple of letters as a class to staff members and then we also wrote individual letters for Veterans Day. My kids really enjoyed this unit and I saw tons of growth in their conventions in just a week.
We only have school Monday and Tuesday so I'm reviewing a ton and doing some Thanksgiving stuff. After the break I'm starting on habitats and plan on doing deserts first. It's the habitat my kids are most familiar with and it'll help them learn the vocabulary and concepts.