Last week we started our bat and spider unit. We focused in on spiders and how they are not insects (which was our last unit). We also learned about how spiders use different types of silk and spin different types of webs. For this project I also introduced symmetry. The students traced their hands and laid them on top of each other with the thumbs making the spiders head. Most of them understood how each side of a spider is the same but then when they put it together they glued it however they wanted. To make the webs I punched holes along a paper plate and tied a long piece of string and then the students weaved it through the plate.
This past week was super busy for me and my first graders. On Tuesday I had an observation with my district mentor in the morning and then with my AP in the afternoon. Probably not my best idea to schedule two observations in one day but it was a big relief to get them over with. On Wednesday we had our district personal narrative writing assessment. At first I was concerned that my students would struggle with the prompt but their writing has grown so much in the past couple of months. My students were all able to write a personal narrative and the majority wrote one that was at of above grade level. Our school also had our Halloween carnival Wednesday night. It was a really long day and evening but we did have a good turnout.
Then of course there was Friday. In the morning we had a school wide assembly, where I did win an award!! Then we did a book study with Stellaluna and Night Song where the students had to decide which bat they liked better and explain why. In the afternoon we did a short math activity with addition facts and pumpkins and then it was just all about the Halloween party. We had tons of food and I set up some art materials and games for the kids. They had a great day and it was good to see them so excited but it was an exhausting day.
Next week we will be starting our fairy tale unit. I'm going to be spending a lot of time with comparing stories and the theme. I'm interested to see what stories the kids connect to and what stories they aren't as interested in. The following week progress reports will also go out. Last quarter I was just trying to get through each day so I didn't get to the reports until a couple days before they were due. This quarter I'm a little more ahead so I already got my science and writing grades finalized. I also started writing the comments for the students who need a longer explanation of whats going on. It's a really good feeling to be at least a little bit ahead so I don't have to stress about getting them done.
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